Amazing world just around the corner - Professor


WE all dream of a technology-aided future where laborious household tasks are done for us by an army of home-based AI robots and droids. However, many don’t realise that such a world is no longer confined to the realms of science fiction. Within 20 years, experts predict that most of us will live in so-called ‘smart homes’ that automatica­lly monitor our behaviour and complete the boring everyday chores that currently take up so much of our time.

However, according to one Oxford scientist, we are picturing the future through the wrong eyes. Revealing his revolution­ary vision of everyday life in the year 2040, Professor Steve Veidor of the University’s Crabtree Institute of Artificial Intelligen­ce

told us: “Most people make the mistake of imagining the future from their own 2017 perspectiv­e. But the home of 2040 won’t be built around the requiremen­ts of today’s adults, rather it will be inhabited by today’s youngsters. And as the father of three teenagers myself, I know that their needs are very different from my own.”

He continued: “For example, the home where I live is filled with bookshelve­s, but in the house of 2040, these will be absent. Today’s teenagers get all their informatio­n not from books but from the internet, e-readers and tablet computers. Instead of bookcases, the home of tomorrow will feature enormous thought-activated interactiv­e informatio­n screens, multi-device charging points and high speed 10G wireless routers.”

And according to the professor, when it comes to mealtimes, for the teenagers of today convenienc­e will be king. He told us: “They don’t cook proper food, as they don’t have the patience to wait for it to be prepared. They just stick a poptart in the toaster or a ready meal in the microwave. Consequent­ly the kitchen of 2040 will just contain a superfast microwave oven and a liquid nitrogen freezer. And there will be no dining table for the family to sit round, as meals will be consumed in front of a hundred inch flatscreen 3D television.”

And Veidor says that the carefully tended gardens we know today will soon be consigned to the dustbin of history as teenagers have no need of them. “When I was a lad, I was always running around in the garden, making dens and climbing trees,” he told us. “My three just sit in their bed- rooms with the curtains closed, staring at screens like zombies.”

“Honestly, they wouldn’t know what a football was it if it hit them on the bloody head,” he added. The professor also predicts that the home of the future will be equipped with teleportat­ion devices that will “beam” objects instantly around the house using quantum entangleme­nt technology. “Rather than moving things from room to room physically, objects will be broken down into their constituen­t atoms in one place and re-constitute­d elsewhere in the building,” he said. “Frankly, if my three are anything to go by it’s the only way they’re ever going to get their plates back to the fucking kitchen. They just leave them there for Joe Muggins here and his missus to pick up, the bone idle bastards.”

 ??  ?? Man About the Houses: Boffin Professor Veidor predicts the house of the future will be unfamiliar to today’s homeowners.
Man About the Houses: Boffin Professor Veidor predicts the house of the future will be unfamiliar to today’s homeowners.

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