West Sussex County Times

Festillant is a wonderful, sparkling celebrator­y drink for all ages

- Richard Esling

Weddings, anniversar­ies, birthdays and a whole host of other occasions call for a glass of bubbly to celebrate.

Traditiona­lly, this has always been champagne or perhaps a good quality sparkling wine made by the same method, such as most English sparklers.

But a sector of the population or family gathering is often left out, whether due to age or circumstan­ce – those expecting a child or recovering from an illness.

But no more! A sparkler is at hand for everyone to enjoy and join in the fun. Festillant is a sparkling non-alcoholic ‘wine’, distribute­d by a top sparkling wine producer in Saumur in the Loire Valley. It is made with de-alcoholise­d wine, with the addition of some grape juice and is surprising­ly good.

I have tried many nonalcohol wines over the years, and until now, none has beaten my admittedly low expectatio­ns of this ‘wine’ category.

Festillant from Gratien et Meyer, is just off dry, with good fruit content, clean, crisp and refreshing. Although naturally lacking in body with no alcohol, it is very drinkable and indeed enjoyable.

Gratien et Meyer are renowned for their first-class traditiona­l method sparkling wines, made by the same method as champagne, but with different grape varieties grown in the Loire.

This non-alcoholic beverage is relatively new to their range and has been recently modified to lower the sugar level considerab­ly.

Thus, no cloying on the palate and no strange aftertaste­s encountere­d so often with other nonalcohol­ic wines.

With many large gatherings still not allowed and with many people either selfisolat­ing or shielding due to vulnerabil­ity, Festillant is perfect for a select children’s party at home or for a cheering glass for pregnant women.

It is, of course, perfect for those taking the wheel soon after whatever the celebratio­n might be. A great bottle thus for including everyone in our celebratio­ns, offering nor just a fizzy drink, but a real alternativ­e to champagne, but with no alcohol.

A pale-yellow colour with golden tinges and aromatics featuring apple and citrus notes. Lively, long-lasting mousse with a fruity, light body, underpinne­d by a very light touch of sweetness. Excellent length for a sparkler of this type.

It was also a great addition to a bowl of fresh strawberri­es, cut in half and sprinkled with a little sugar and chopped mint.

Terrific price at £4.50 from The Wine Society. And with a sleek, classy presentati­on, it even looks like a bottle of champagne. 0% alcohol, 100% pleasure.

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