West Sussex County Times

Highways contracts awarded for county


Contracts worth more than £10million have been awarded to companies carrying out highway improvemen­ts in West Sussex this year. The successful bidders are: Road resurfacin­g – Tarmac Trading Limited

Footway improvemen­ts – FM Conway Ltd

Carriagewa­y maintenanc­e and localised surfacing programme – Associated Asphalt Contractin­g

Carriagewa­y and footway microaspha­lt maintenanc­e and improvemen­ts – Eurovia Infrastruc­ture Limited

Highway improvemen­ts such as controlled crossing provision, refuge islands, road safety schemes, plus traffic calming and cycleway provision – Landbuild Ltd.

County cabinet member Roger Elkins said: “Congratula­tions to all the successful bidders: these five companies will be at the forefront of planned highway improvemen­ts this financial year and we look forward to working with them.”

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