Western Mail

Speakers at risk in Ask The Leader


WHAT a shambles the Ask The Leader programme proved to be in terms of security! Especially when the Manchester atrocity was so fresh.

That the BBC had no security in place to stop a member of the audience invading the speakers’ platform was a gross derelictio­n of duty.

We had two political leaders, separately, speaking to an invited audience, some of whom clearly expressed their antagonism, yet no-one was sufficient­ly alert to prevent the flag-waver reaching the platform and confrontin­g the person speaking.

What if this man had had a weapon of any kind and chose to physically attack either of the speakers?

Doesn’t the BBC do a security check or search as people enter the building for the programme?

Surely the bulky nature of a flag should have been detected and the person’s intention known.

Another example of BBC staff showing their bias against anyone who was a Brexiteer. Like many of our politician­s, they neither correctly gauged the mood of the people and

continue to try to damage the way forward.

Kenneth Harris Knighton

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