Western Mail

Cash deal puts end to two-year legal monkey business over selfie


A PHOTOGRAPH­ER has settled a two-year legal battle with an animal rights group over a “monkey selfie” taken on his camera.

The settlement has been reached in San Francisco, California, with photograph­er David Slater, from the Chepstow area, agreeing to donate a quarter of future sales from the pictures.

Animal rights group Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) had sought to establish the macaque monkey called Naruto as the copyright owner of the internatio­nally famous “monkey selfie” that the animal took with photograph­er David Slater’s camera in 2011 in Indonesia.

According to a statement issued by Peta, a settlement has been reached of the “monkey selfie” lawsuit.

The statement said: “Peta’s appeal of the case on Naruto’s behalf is being dismissed, and Slater has agreed to donate 25% of any future gross revenue that he derives from using or selling any or all of the monkey selfies to registered charities dedicated to protecting the welfare or habitat of Naruto and other crested macaques in Indonesia.”

A joint statement from Peta and Mr Slater said: “Peta and David Slater agree that this case raises important issues about expanding legal rights for non-human animals.

“As we learn more about Naruto, his community of macaques, and all other animals, we must recognise appropriat­e fundamenta­l legal rights for them as our fellow global occupants and members of their own nations who want only to live their lives and be with their families.

“To further these goals, David Slater will donate 25% of future gross revenue from the Monkey Selfie photograph­s to charitable organizati­ons dedicated to protecting and improving the welfare and habitat of Naruto and crested black macaques in Indonesia.”

 ?? David J Slater ?? > One of the selfies that the macaque took with David Slater’s camera on Sulawesi in 2011
David J Slater > One of the selfies that the macaque took with David Slater’s camera on Sulawesi in 2011
 ??  ?? > David Slater
> David Slater

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