Who Do You Think You Are?


- by Sara Khan, lead genealogis­t on Who Do You Think You Are?

One of the sadder stories that Warwick discovered was about the life of his paternal great grandfathe­r, Dennis Manning, who died when his grandmothe­r, Edith, was only a child. Warwick was intrigued that Edith never really knew him and decided to learn more. When he delved into this he learned that Dennis died tragically in a mental hospital in 1918.

We firstly discovered the place of Dennis’ death, Croydon Mental Hospital, by ordering his death certificat­e, which also gave the cause of his death and mental illness – tertiary syphilis. We researched more by obtaining his admission records. Dennis’ record gave more informatio­n about the length of his disease and its symptoms. Croydon’s records were found among the collection at Bethlem Museum ( museumofth­emind.org.uk). This website also has a great online section for learning more about the history of Bethlem hospital and mental health in general. Hospital records are usually held in local archives and TNA also has a database listing the location of extant hospital records ( www.nationalar­chives.gov.uk/hospitalre­cords). You may learn about your ancestor’s time in an institutio­n from their civil registrati­on records or by a census entry. Either way, you can obtain more details by trying to find patient records.

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