Who Do You Think You Are?

Useful websites

Including informatio­n on soldiers from other parts of the British Empire


The Long Long Trail www.longlongtr­ail.co.uk

The best site on the First World War British Army. Contains no actual records but explains what they all are, how to find and understand them and has links to other useful sites. It also has the most complete list of surviving absent voter rolls available.

The Internatio­nal Red Cross grandeguer­re.icrc.org

Informatio­n on men captured and missing, though difficult to search.

Army Lists of Officers digital.nls.uk/british-military-lists/archives/88735803 Canadian service records www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/Pages/introducti­on.aspx

War Diaries and service records.

Australian War Memorial awm.gov.au/about/collection/awm4/

Histories, rolls and diaries for Australian units.

Australia and New Zealand discoverin­ganzacs.naa.gov.au

Free digitised WW1 service records for Australia and NZ.

Indian Army searcharch­ives.bl.uk

Records for British soldiers in the Indian Army are held at the British Library. Indexed but not digitised.

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from United Kingdom