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Life tools: fake it ’til you make it How to go from wobbler to warrior

When you’re in need of a confidence boost, there are ways to channel your inner warrior. Sharon Walker shares the secrets to success


It’s that magic ingredient that gets most human endeavours off the ground. With it you can shoot for the stars. Without it, opportunit­ies can fizzle out faster than damp fireworks. It’s frustratin­g then that confidence is often such an elusive quality, especially for women.

“We tend to doubt ourselves more and underestim­ate our own abilities,” believes leadership expert Margie Warrell, who says that confidence breeds more confidence. “It’s a snowball effect: if you’re confident enough to walk into a room and introduce yourself, for instance, you’ll learn things from it and get feedback that affirms you. Then you can try something bigger next time.”

It doesn’t help that we’re wired differentl­y from men. One study suggests that women have 30% more neurons firing in some parts of the brain at any given moment, which is useful for multitaski­ng but also means we’re prone to overthink. Men also have the advantage of more testostero­ne to boost natural confidence.

Thankfully, confidence is a life tool that can be learnt. Read on to find out how you can build, radiate and genuinely feel more confident…

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