Women's Fitness (UK)



There are many cuts of pork you could use for this dish, however we recommend bone-in because it has the best flavour and adds flavour to the cabbage and stock as well.

Ingredient­s (serves 4–6)

● 4–6 × 170g bone-in shoulder blade or centre cut chops ● 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil, if needed

● ¼ onion, thinly sliced

● ½tsp caraway seeds

● ½ large fennel bulb or 1 small bulb, cored and thinly sliced

● ½ large cabbage, cored and thinly sliced

● 480ml chicken stock

● 10 sprigs fresh dill

● 3–4 slices bacon (optional)

1 Preheat the oven to 150°C/ gas mark 2.

2 Generously salt the pork chops on both sides.

3 Heat the olive oil in a heavy-based pan to a medium-high heat. Sear the chops on both sides until browned, approximat­ely four minutes per side. Set the chops aside on a large plate, leaving the fat in the pan.

4 If more oil is needed, add the olive oil to the pan, then add the onion and caraway seeds and sauté over a gentle heat until the onion is soft and translucen­t. Add the fennel and sauté until soft, then add the cabbage and sauté until soft. Season the cabbage mixture with salt.

5 Pour in the stock and return the pork to the pan. Top each pork chop with dill sprigs and bacon strips, if using. Cover and braise for one hour 30 minutes, or until tender.

6 Chop the bacon, if using. Remove and discard the dill sprigs. Serve the pork and cabbage immediatel­y, topped with the optional bacon.

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