Women's Health (UK)


Raise your heart rate to warm up and beat the cold, then keep it there to burn calories

- THE TRAINER Niko Algieri, founder and trainer at Equilibriu­m (weareequil­ibrium.com)


Do: 10 reps per side

Targets: Obliques, glutes, quads

(a) With your suspension trainer round a tree, hold the handles and lean your torso forwards, with muscles engaged.

(b) Lunge back with your left leg, lowering the knee so it’s just above the floor. Put your right arm out to the side, twisting your torso the same way.


Do: 20 reps

Targets: Shoulders, back (a) This one might take a few attempts at first. Adopt a press-up position with both feet in the stirrups.

(b) Keeping your legs straight, raise your bum to the ceiling, letting your head drop down between your arms. Then straighten out to the starting position. Keep that core engaged.


Do: 20 reps

Targets: Shoulders, back (a) Facing the trainer, grab the handles and squat down, sitting back and allowing it to take your weight.

(b) Explosivel­y drive up, spreading your arms as you rise, keeping them straight to target your shoulders. Then reverse the movement to return to a squat.


Do: 20 reps

Targets: Core, shoulders (a) Start in a press-up position with your feet in the stirrups, facing away from the anchor point.

(b) Keeping your hips still, tuck your knees into your chest, then straighten to return to the starting position. Remember those abs.


Do: 20 reps

Targets: Glutes, hamstrings, cardio

(a) Holding the handles and facing your anchor point, feet hip-width apart, drop into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

(b) Spring out of your squat and jump off the floor, landing lightly on the balls of your feet and going into a squat.


Do: 10 reps per leg Targets: Core, glutes, cardio

(a) Stand facing away from the anchor, with your left foot in the stirrup.

(b) Lower your hands to the floor and jump back, ending in a plank with your legs suspended off the floor. Do a press-up, then jump your foot back in to stand and hop.


Do: 10 reps per leg

Targets: Glutes, quads, hamstrings

(a) Facing the anchor point, hold the handles and lean backwards, raising your left leg a few inches off the floor.

(b) Squat on your right leg, tensing your core to prevent any wobbling, then fire back up to standing without putting your foot on the floor.


Do: 20 reps

Target: Triceps, biceps, core

(a) Lie underneath the trainer and pull yourself off the ground with the handles.

(b) Keeping your elbows tucked in, pull yourself up until your fists are by the sides of your torso. Then slowly return to the starting position.


Do: 15 reps per leg

Targets: Glutes, quads (a) Start standing with feet together, then lift your left leg so your thigh is at a 90° angle to the floor before striding it out in front.

(b) As your left foot hits the floor, bend the right leg until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Push back off the right foot to standing and repeat on the other side.


Do: 25 reps per leg

Targets: Glutes

(a) Stand in front of a raised surface, then put your left foot on it and push off to quickly lift the rest of your body up, raising the right thigh to a 90° angle.

(b) Step back down to the ground with the right leg and repeat on the other side. Then keep going.


Do: 25 reps per leg Targets: Hamstrings, glutes

(a) Lie on your belly and rest your head on your forearms, then squeeze your glutes and lift your legs off the floor with your thighs touching.

(b) Lift one leg higher until your thigh peels away from the mat. Lower your raised leg as the other comes up.


Do: 15 reps per leg

Targets: Glutes, obliques (a) Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart, with your fists clenched in front of your chest for balance. Lower into a squat.

(b) Straighten­ing the legs, rise back up, lifting the left leg to the side, squeezing the right glute and reverse into a squat. Work the other side.


Do: 40 reps

Targets: Back, triceps, biceps, abs

(a) Start in downward dog with your hands and feet glued to the floor, chest pulling towards your thighs and your hips high.

(b) Bending at the elbows, lower your head and chest towards the floor then press back up.


Do: 30 reps

Targets: Quads, hamstrings, glutes

(a) Stand in front of a step and lower into a quarter squat, hingeing back at the hips to engage the glutes.

(b) Forcefully thrust your hip forwards, swinging your arms, and push through your feet to propel yourself on to the step before stepping back down to the floor.


Do: 15 reps per leg

Targets: Core, glutes, hamstrings, quads

(a) Get into a forearm plank with your elbows beneath your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from your neck to your ankles.

(b) From that position, brace your core and lift your right foot off the floor, hold for a second, then replace and repeat with the left.


Do: 1 min

Targets: Cardio

(a) You remember those days: holding each end of the skipping rope, stand with the rope behind you.

(b) Swing the rope forwards overhead and jump as it passes under your feet. Alternate legs as a variation. Child’s play.

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