Your Horse (UK)



Improve your horse’s canter rhythm and bascule

This exercise works on achieving a regularegu­lar canter rhythm. It may sound simple, but it’s trickier than you think.thin

Set it up

All you need for this exercise is one pole placed on a 20m circle.

How to ride it

The aim of this exercise is for the pole to come in the middle of your canter stride. Pick up canter andan start riding a 20m circle, cantering overo the pole on the ground. The key ey to thisth exercise is to keep looking around youryo circle and to maintain a correctly sizedsiz circle by using your outside leg and hand to help you turn around the circle.cir If you try to pull your horse around thet circle using your inside rein, you’ll blockb the canter rhythm and you won’t meetme the pole in the right place. If you’re struggling, ride your horsehors with his head and neck straighter andan keep nudging him forwards with youryou inside leg. Once e you’ve mastered this and you’reyo reaching the pole in the middle of theth canter stride consistent­ly, you can raisera the pole a little to challenge you both.both Remember to ride this exercise equally on both reins. If you keep getting too deep to the pole, try movingmov out a little and jump the outer edge ofo the pole instead.

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 ??  ?? Turning your horse on a 20m circle using your outside aids will make this exercise easier
Turning your horse on a 20m circle using your outside aids will make this exercise easier

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