Your Horse (UK)

Train with Piggy French


She helps you to develop your horse’s rhythm and balance

Part 1 Position (issue 428 – for a back issue, call 01858 438884) Why it’s so important to have a secure and balanced position to boost your confidence.

Part 2 Improving rhythm and balance (this issue) Exercises to help improve your horse’s rhythm and balance on the flat and over fences.

Part 3 Riding accurate school movements (on sale 24 August) Key movements you’ll have to perform in a dressage test and how to gain more marks.

Part 4 Boost your horse’s jumping technique (on sale 21 September) Grid work and jumping exercises to improve your horse’s technique for show jump courses.

Part 5 Riding a winning dressage test (on sale 19 October) How to ride your best dressage test ever, including advice on your warm-up plan.

Part 6 Jump clear every time (on sale 16 November) Everything you need to know to prepare for the winter season of indoor jumping and arena eventing.

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