Your Horse (UK)



There are a couple of things you need to think about when trying to stop your horse jogging. First of all, learn to relax. If you’re feeling tense, you’re likely to hang on to the rein and take your leg off, which will make your horse nervous and more likely to jog – making you even more tense! If you feel pretty relaxed but your horse is still jogging, try the exercise below to help him chill out.

Teach him to relax

An easy and effective method to get your horse to calm down is to circle him. If you’re schooling, every time he starts to jog, turn him in towards the centre of the school on a 10m circle and back to the track. This handy trick can even be used while out hacking. Every time he jogs, turn him in a small circle and he’ll soon realise it’s easier for him to walk in a straight line than it is to keep going round and round.

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