Your Horse (UK)

Training for suppleness


QWhat are the most effective ways to supple up my horse?

Amelia Jones, Southampto­n

ASupplenes­s is linked to rhythm and balance. Every horse will have a stiffer side. Your task as a rider is to train equally on both reins, with a consistent rhythm to help him improve his way of going and to work with equal suppleness on either rein on straight and curved lines.

Vary his schedule

Your horse will enjoy a training program that’s varied so include hacking and polework to keep him motivated. The patterns we ride in the school (circles, loops, serpentine­s and changes of rein) all help to improve his rhythm, balance and suppleness. Link the shapes together so you’re not stuck riding on the track or on a 20m circle. Remember to change the rein and vary the ways you do this to keep his attention. Riding regular transition­s and transition­s within the pace help your horse improve his carriage and develop his athletic potential.

 ??  ?? Riding transition­s and changes of rein can improve the athleticis­m of your horse ®
Riding transition­s and changes of rein can improve the athleticis­m of your horse ®

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