Your Horse (UK)



1 Reflect and reinforce

Right now everyone is trying to make sense of what the future will look like. But when nothing is certain it’s important that we don’t think too big. When you have a situation that’s highly uncertain and you have little or no control, then you have the conditions in which anxiety and fear can flourish. The mantra we should all be focusing on is ‘win the day’. This reminds us that no matter what happens in the outside world, our inside world will be nurtured and strengthen­ed through us having stayed positive, proactive and purposeful in everything we do. Reinforce this mantra at the end of each day by reflecting back and recalling your successes, no matter how small.

2 Setting everyday goals

Focusing on what we can control and letting go of what we can’t is a fundamenta­l skill. It’s the main reason that some people thrive under stress while others struggle.

The difference is the individual’s ability to keep their attention on everyday goals. Using small goals as a mental handrail will help to keep you moving forwards, rather than thinking beyond the things you can control.

3 Practise optimism

Our brains are hard-wired to prioritise the things that threaten us, compared to the things that reward us. This is called ‘negative bias’.

When we are anxious, our mind becomes like a missile defence system on the lookout for incoming threats. Unchecked, this makes it ever harder to turn to positive thoughts. But this is exactly what we need to practise in order to reverse the cycle.

Write down two columns of thoughts. On the left-hand side, note down all the things that worry you about your current situation — perhaps you’re concerned about your job and loss of earnings, or worried about your horse’s health and being able to call in a vet. On the right-hand side, write down all the things that are potential positives from your current situation, such as being able to spend more time with your horse, or having the opportunit­y to bond with him rather than focus on schooling or dealing with the pressures of training for a competitio­n. Continue to lengthen your positive list by adding one thing that you appreciate each day.

Don’t worry if you repeat yourself; there’s value in reminding yourself of its importance to you.

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