What has caught our attention in the news this fortnight…


The new pound coin

What do you think of the new £1 coin shape? It has been introduced, of course, because it will be much less easy to make counterfei­t copies. But there are so many machines in public places – from car parks to vending machines – that there simply hasn’t been time for them all to be switched to take the new shape. While the old £1 coins will stay in circulatio­n until October, they are gradually being phased out. So, if you regularly use machines that take £1 coins – we advise you to keep a stock of the old shape for now so you don’t get caught out. Let us know how you get on.

Squeezy sauce bottles

Research has revealed squeezy sauce bottles may help us lose weight – but not because the last drop is hard to get. Apparently we are more economical when using a squeezy bottle rather than using a glass or jar container. Participan­ts in a study cut their portion sizes by more than 30 per cent when squeezing. If only they could make squeezy chocolates and biscuits!

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