Albuquerque Journal

Postal workers meet challenge of kids’ postcards

- ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Syndicated Columnist Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: While our daughter was on vacation with our small grandkids, she bought them postcards and suggested they write us about their vacation.

She said she laughed when the kids finished with the cards. The children had turned the cards sideways and had written across the entire card from top to bottom. Not wanting to hurt their feelings, she found a halfinch space on one side and in tiny print wrote our names and address.

I would like to thank the postal workers in both Springfiel­d and Wales, Mass., and in Hartford, Conn., for taking the time to search for our address and forwarding these wonderful memories to us. — THANKFUL GRANDMA J.

DEAR THANKFUL: I’m pleased to pass along your message to the caring postal workers who ensured that you receive the postcards. They obviously take pride in their work.

Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. Postal Service has no motto.

The familiar sentence “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” is actually just the inscriptio­n found on the General Post Office in New York City at 8th Avenue and 33rd Street.

The inscriptio­n was provided by the architects who designed the building. The sentence appears in a translatio­n of the account of the fifth-century B.C. Greek historian Herodotus and describes the expedition of the Greeks against the Persians. The Persians had a system of mounted postal couriers, and he was describing the fidelity with which their work was done.

DEAR ABBY: Several months ago I spoke to a doctor friend about some medical issues my wife was experienci­ng. He specialize­s in this particular area. When he advised my wife to come into the office, I told him it was not a good time for us financiall­y. He said not to worry about it.

We made the appointmen­t, and about two months later the bill arrived. We are on a highdeduct­ible health plan and the bill is not cheap.

How can I discuss this with my friend without offending? I don’t want to sound presumptuo­us —I know this is his livelihood — but we would have stuck it out until we were better off financiall­y. — FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY

DEAR “DIFFICULTY”: Call your friend the doctor and explain the situation. If you do, he may reduce the amount of his bill or, alternativ­ely, agree to a payment plan that you can manage.

DEAR ABBY: I want to ask my parents — my mom, dad, stepmom and stepdad — if they have planned for their deaths. I know this may seem weird, but after my grandfathe­r died, all of them kept saying how relieved they were that he was able to make all of his own arrangemen­ts.

I know funerals are expensive, and since I am an only child and have so many parents, this worries me. How can I bring this up? Can you help? — LOOKING AHEAD

DEAR LOOKING AHEAD: A way to raise the subject would be to refer to your grandfathe­r’s death and the comments your parents made afterward. Then ask what arrangemen­ts they have made regarding advance directives for health care, funerals, cremation, etc.

It’s always wise to plan ahead and put one’s wishes in writing, and if you are an adult, you should also do this. If you have already put your wishes in writing, you could start the conversati­on by informing them — and then ask what their plans are.

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