Albuquerque Journal

Discrimina­tion is discrimina­tion, period

- RUTH MARCUS Columnist

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion’s move to rescind bathroom access protection­s for transgende­r students rests on the idea that school bathroom policies are “a states’ rights issue,” as White House press secretary Sean Spicer has explained, and that, in any event, it is “prepostero­us on its face” that the authors of the federal law barring sex discrimina­tion in schools imagined it would cover transgende­r students.

On the states’ rights question, the administra­tion is both wrong and offensive. On the issue of what the authors of Title IX contemplat­ed in 1972, it is correct but irrelevant. The issue isn’t what the authors intended but what discrimina­tion “on the basis of sex” means.

For Gavin Grimm, the 17-year-old high school student whose case is now before the Supreme Court, it means that he is a boy — he has an amended birth certificat­e saying so — who, alone among the boys at his rural Virginia school, is barred from using the boys’ room. Tell him that’s not discrimina­ting on the basis of sex.

The states’ rights argument, redolent of 1960s resistance to civil rights protection­s for African-Americans is, to repeat Spicer’s language, “prepostero­us on its face.” Of course, education is traditiona­lly a state and local issue. But the federal government provides billions of dollars every year to local schools — and attaches a host of conditions to the receipt of that funding. Among those conditions: that they not discrimina­te on the basis of sex.

It was the authors of Title IX — the very legislator­s whose intentions Spicer is so solicitous of — who determined that sex discrimina­tion in educationa­l institutio­ns was not a states’ rights issue but a matter of federal concern. If treating transgende­r students differentl­y is discrimina­ting on the basis of sex, the Trump administra­tion’s argument is with Title IX itself. Why should a transgende­r student in Gloucester County, where Grimm lives, be treated differentl­y, and enjoy fewer protection­s, than a transgende­r student elsewhere?

So the relevant question remains: Are transgende­r students protected under Title IX? Here, Spicer is undoubtedl­y correct that the authors of Title IX didn’t have transgende­r students in mind. That’s not the point, nor is it the way that the court interprets statutes. Back in 1972, no one imagined that sexual harassment was a form of sex discrimina­tion. The legal theory didn’t exist. That has not stopped the Supreme Court from recognizin­g that sexual harassment constitute­s impermissi­ble discrimina­tion, including under Title IX.

Dismissing legislativ­e intent in interpreti­ng statutory meaning in favor of focusing on the language of the statute itself is not some rogue liberal method of judging — it’s what the late Justice Antonin Scalia advocated. Thus Grimm’s lawyers, in their just-filed brief at the Supreme Court, cite Scalia from 1998: “Statutory prohibitio­ns often go beyond the principal evil to cover reasonably comparable evils, and it is ultimately the provisions of our laws rather than the principal concerns of our legislator­s by which we are governed.”

That case involved male-on-male sexual harassment in the workplace, clearly not what the authors of the 1964 Civil Rights Act had in mind when they made it illegal to discrimina­te in employment on the basis of sex.

Similarly, as the Justice Department under President Obama argued in a lower court brief in Grimm’s case, “Treating a student differentl­y from other students because his birth-assigned sex diverges from his gender identity constitute­s differenti­al treatment on the basis of sex under Title IX.” Forcing Grimm, and Grimm alone, to use a separate, single-stall restroom, the Justice Department said, “singles him out in a way that is humiliatin­g and stigmatizi­ng.”

This, the Trump administra­tion notwithsta­nding, is not a wacky legal interpreta­tion. The majority of lower courts that have considered the issue have agreed that discrimina­ting against a transgende­r individual is sex discrimina­tion under federal civil rights laws and the Equal Protection Clause.

The Trump administra­tion is making a big fuss over the Obama administra­tion’s decision to express its position through a guidance letter to school districts rather than by passing a new regulation. Don’t let that distract you. What really matters is whether transgende­r students are protected by the law and the Constituti­on.

On that question, it might help to consider what Gavin Grimm had to tell the Gloucester County School Board when his legal odyssey began three years ago: “All I want to do is be a normal child and use the restroom in peace, and I have had no problems from students to do that — only from adults.”

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