Antelope Valley Press

Right news, right now


We have been subscriber­s to your paper for 40 years but the farther left you move the closer we are to canceling our subscripti­on.

You used to have Thomas Sowell, an exceptiona­lly gifted and wise black economist, who wrote a syndicated column and now you have Paul Krugman, a far left economist who doesn’t miss a day bad mouthing the present administra­tion. What a miserable trade that was.

If Mr. Sowell has retired from writing, his old columns would be far better than Mr.Krugman’s new ones. That’s only one example of how far to the left you’ve moved. It’s also hard to understand how the new publisher can continue to repeat the article about the difficulti­es of printing a paper nowadays and even ask people to send money all while alienating some of his more moderate subscriber­s by moving the paper farther and farther to the left. Norm Wiggins Lancaster

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