Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

What, Trump worry?


If President Trump is innocent, why is he seemingly so worried?

As one who devotes too much time to politics, I have to ask: If President Trump is innocent, why has he done all the things he has to detract from the investigat­ion—and why does it seem he and his minions are doing everything they can to torpedo it?

Again, as one who has watched too much TV (network and cable) and read too many articles (and several of the books-a-week that are coming out), I am aware of the reasons most of President Trump’s lawyers and many of his supporters reportedly are afraid to have him questioned under oath. They (and I) know what will happen. When asked a straightfo­rward question about something the prosecutor­s already have irrefutabl­e informatio­n about, he will undoubtedl­y lie.

Since becoming president, Trump has been proven to have lied over 2,000 times (latest count). I don’t know about you, but I would not buy a used car from him—but would from Robert Mueller or Rod Rosenstein. JIM HAMMONS


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