Austin American-Statesman

Professor: Straus has backing of caucus


- Continued from A The speaker of the House presides over the 150-member chamber and decides who will chair House committees. Contact Tim Eaton at 4453631.

leadership decision, stifles representa­tive government.”

The speaker of the House presides over the 150-member chamber and decides who will chair House committees. The speaker also refers bills to committee and controls debate on the House floor. The position is chosen by the members on the first day of the legislativ­e session, which is Jan. 8.

Erin Daly, a spokeswoma­n for Straus, said in a statement that “Speaker Straus enjoys support from a majority of Republican­s and Democrats in the House, and rather than campaignin­g for the position, he is focused on leading the House as we prepare for session.”

Simpson, a Republican from Longview who has served only one term, didn’t return calls Monday, but he said in his statement that he intends “to change the spirit of our Legislatur­e and put the principles of liberty and open government above the politics of intimidati­on.”

In the past, Simpson blamed Straus for unjustly applying the House rules by adjourning the House for a lack of a quorum in an effort to derail his measure to outlaw aggressive pat-downs by security personnel at airports and other places.

Simpson said in his statement that a number of House members have offered their support for him, but he didn’t include any names. Rep. Bryan Hughes, a Republican from Mineola who dropped his candidacy Monday, came out in support of Simpson.

Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, has been critical of Straus since last session. Like Simpson, Martinez Fischer slammed Straus over redistrict­ing — though they fired at him from different angles. Simpson said the redistrict­ing process in 2011 was not done properly, while Martinez Fischer said the speaker presided over a legislativ­e body that approved maps that discrimina­ted against minority voters.

Stressing that he was speaking for himself, Martinez Fischer said Straus worked fairly with Democrats in 2009. But he added that in 2011, Straus showed he was less interested in working with Democrats than in partisansh­ip and promoting wedge issues such as sanctuary cities legislatio­n, a bill calling for sonograms before an abortion, and reducing spending on public education and public health.

“It was a session of overreach,” Martinez Fischer said

Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University, said Martinez Fischer’s criticism of Straus likely could bolster the speaker’s chances for reelection. Jillson called the Democrat’s denunciati­on the “best thing to happen to Joe Straus within his caucus.”

Jillson gave Simpson long odds in his effort.

“The Republican caucus is more comfortabl­e with Straus than it was two years ago,” Jillson said. “I think that two years ago, most Republican­s were sort of awestruck by the force of the tea party and their organized spokesmen.” But the tea party wave has receded since 2010, Jillson said, and likely will continue to do so.

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