Baltimore Sun Sunday




Irritating situations can cause you to lose your temper in the week ahead. Remember that an oyster creates pearls from irritation­s. You, too, can create something of value if you simply clam up.

Your good taste is at a peak during the first few days of the week. Buy apparel and decorative household items as soon as possible. It is not a good idea to sign contracts or make business deals.

Cover up the controvers­ial. A wise man puts a chair over the hole in the carpet before guests arrive. Don’t bring your faults or obvious shortcomin­gs to anyone’s attention in the week ahead.

You may be challenged to exercise patience in the week to come. You may be ready to spring to action at the slightest provocatio­n. Keep a cool head and avoid taking unnecessar­y risks.

Opposites might attract but find it difficult to coordinate. You may find that your trust is misplaced because someone proves to be somewhat impulsive. Focus on being careful and shrewd with money.

Share the wealth. Be hospitable and lay out a big spread for visitors as well as family members. Your willingnes­s to be generous and tolerant might win new friends in the week to come.

You may appear warm and witty, but someone may question if you are wise. As this week unfolds use your charm and thoughtful­ness in the workplace. Avoid jumping to conclusion­s. Pushing and shoving won’t get you any loving. It may be difficult to keep your finances, as well as your love life, on an even keel. In the week ahead avoid being too aggressive or competitiv­e.

An arrow is shot by pulling it backward. If you feel you are going backward in the week ahead, remember that the next step is to move forward. Take aim at the best target possible.

Sometimes you must lose the battle to win the war. Your fighting instincts may be aroused as this week unfolds. It isn’t necessary to address every challenge to your authority.

Pretty things may attract your eye, but might not fit your hand. In the early part of the week you may be drawn to people and things that don’t quite meet your needs. Sidestep a broken heart.

Focus on making your future as fulfilling as your fantasies. Hurt feelings may result if someone doubts you in the week ahead. The best way to earn someone’s trust is to trust them. Your street smarts will help you make unbeatable business decisions as the next four to five weeks unfold. By late July, however, your shrewdness and emphasis on financial success could be out of place. You may be tempted to begin a relationsh­ip that isn’t good for you in late August and early September. The other possibilit­y is that an existing relationsh­ip could endure misunderst­andings. Don’t make any change of job or break off a relationsh­ip, as that could create additional burdens. Wait until the second half of September to make an irrevocabl­e decision, as you will be wiser and more focused on a positive outcome. You may receive a golden opportunit­y or a viable proposal during that time period.

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