Baltimore Sun

To the winner goes the gridlock

- Anthony J. Marzullo, Glen Arm

If we were electing a king in November rather then a president, I have no doubt either of the main candidates could get all of their programs accomplish­ed. However, the last time I looked, we still live in a republic which means our laws are made by our elected representa­tives which we call Congress (“Gridlock in Congress may presage more of the same to come,” Sept. 30).

Given this form of government, it really makes no difference which candidate is elected. Either’s chances of getting anything accomplish­ed is practicall­y nil. A Hillary Clinton victory will do nothing but continue the gridlock in our ineffectiv­e Congress. Donald Trump can’t get support from many of his Republican colleagues, and he hasn’t even been elected yet.

Why don’t we start discussing how things will get accomplish­ed after our favorite candidate wins. Isn’t the real issue electing a Congress that works for all of us regardless of political party? I don’t think our founding fathers saw political gridlock as a form of government.

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