Bonita & Estero Magazine


Distance counseling, help in our ever-changing world


While the days of meeting in an office with a counselor or therapist aren’t over, conferenci­ng these profession­als online is becoming a fast and easy alternativ­e. “Flexibilit­y and convenienc­e are the reasons that distance counseling is appealing for many,” says Stacey Brown, a Fort Myers-based therapist, explaining that online sessions offer the ability to stay connected when patients travel, relocate or have unexpected diversions.

Meeting with a therapist sometimes takes place over the phone, more often over chat services such as Skype, Google or FaceTime. However, Brown prefers to have an establishe­d relationsh­ip with her clients before turning digital. “I feel that face-to-face interactio­n works best,” adds Brown, explaining that meeting in person tends to keep interrupti­ons and distractio­ns at bay, and facial expression­s and body language are easier to read, which often convey everything.

Fort Myers health counselor Laura Streyffele­r isn’t surprised by the surge of online services. “Twenty-five years ago, my mentor William Westel once said to me, ‘Make change your friend, and make rapid change your best friend,’” explains Streyffele­r. She adds, "Communicat­ion is not only rapid, but it has been reinvented. We are moving into a primarily cyber-communicat­ing world.”

Streyffele­r also first meets clients in person, and will offer online sessions when issues such as travel, illness or family emergencie­s arise. Or when one family member is unable to make a group session. “Online therapy isn’t a substitute; it is still real therapy,” Streyffele­r stresses. Streyffele­r also schedules online. Clients, she says, “love it.” For many of us, the c yberworld is the place to shop, sell, conduct business, meet/make friends or to explore, so seguing into online counseling is a natural transition.

―Ann Marie O'Phelan

 ??  ?? Laura C. Streyffele­r
Laura C. Streyffele­r
 ??  ?? Stacey C. Brown
Stacey C. Brown

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