Boston Herald

China a bigger threat


There has been increasing rhetoric surroundin­g the threat posed by Russia (“Gen. Flynn under fire,” Feb. 14). Some of this comes from the intelligen­ce community’s opinion that Russia was involved with the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails.

Some argue Russia has become the highest threat. This seems particular­ly odd to me given a variety of facts. Though we have had proxy wars with Russia and a Cold War, we have never had a real war with Russia — unless you count the U.S. invasion of the USSR in 1919.

In addition, Russia has not been a trade adversary. Nor has it sought domination of the seas. Nor has it been intent on economical­ly dominating other continents. It does not have the wherewitha­l.

In contrast we have been to war with China on the Korean peninsula and suffered many casualties. Further, China has used trade to our detriment. It is racing to build up its armaments. And China has carved out a military base far from its maritime borders in the midst of global shipping lanes. — Stephen Taber, Boston

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