Boston Herald

Memorial Day a time for reflection

- Peter BROOKES Peter Brookes is a retired Navy commander. Follow him on Twitter @Brookes_Peter. Talk back at letterstoe­ditor@ bostonhera­

When Memorial Day comes around, you really just want to kick back and enjoy the long weekend (for some) that marks the unofficial beginning of the muchantici­pated summer season.

With events like the opening of the community pool, a trip to the beach, the gathering of friends and family for a backyard BBQ or attending parades, it’s a wonderful American holiday rich with tradition.

But while you take pleasure in this day, it’s also important to reflect on the sometimes forgotten meaning of Memorial Day: The remembranc­e of those who throughout our nation’s history who have made the ultimate sacrifice in uniform.

Originally known as Decoration Day when the grave sites of the Civil War dead were honored, it’s evolved over time to be known as Memorial Day, officially becoming a federal holiday in 1971 on the last Monday of May.

Not only should we remember those who didn’t return home, having given the “last full measure of devotion” to this nation, we must think about those who volunteer to serve in the armed forces today.

Of course, while our brave soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines will use some good old-fashioned “GI ingenuity” to make the holiday overseas something similar to what we look forward to here at home with cookouts and the like, many will be on duty.

Since our foes — and potential foes — don’t take Memorial Day off, our service members may be standing watch on the bridge of a ship, flying a mission near or over enemy territory or even be in direct combat.

They’ll be answering their country’s call.

Of course, they’re like so many others who have served before them, who went off to protect and defend our national interests, liberty and our way of life.

In the drawer of my desk, I keep a prayer that comes from the Archdioces­e for the Military Services. The prayer says it well:

Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.

Protect them as they protect us.

Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.

I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.


Whether you’re spiritual or not, it’s right for this country to take this day to remember those who have fallen or are still missing, and thank those who have returned, are injured — and are serving us both here at home and overseas.

Nor should we forget their families and loved ones, who have shared with the military their most-prized possession­s — their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters and others — for our collective good.

“They also serve who only stand and wait,” as the English poet John Milton so rightly wrote.

Memorial Day is but one day in the year when this great country pauses ever so briefly to remember and or thank those living, missing and dead who have served this nation in uniform.

We must never forget — not only today, but always — that this country is the home of the free because of brave Americans both past and present. God bless America; God bless our troops.

 ?? STAFF PHOTO BY PATRICK WHITTEMORE ?? TIME TO REMEMBER: On Boston Common, thousands of flags honor fallen Bay State heroes.
STAFF PHOTO BY PATRICK WHITTEMORE TIME TO REMEMBER: On Boston Common, thousands of flags honor fallen Bay State heroes.
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