Calhoun Times

For 88 year-old Gordon County resident, exercise is a motivation to keep him going


also become invested in renovating his overall health by exercising. Around seven years ago, he decided it was time to become active to stave off certain ailments. He is a current member of Fitness First of Calhoun gym, which promotes the fitness of all ages.

His fitness routine is simple, but effective.

Many mornings you can find Craig at Fitness First at 5 a. m. stretching his back with a plethora of weight machines, compressin­g his abs via crunches or working up a sweat on a bike.

“I don’t have a specific routine, but I have two store- bought hips that I have to keep going by riding that bicycle in the gym,” Craig said.

Along with just impressive­ly staying in shape at age 88, Craig credits his decision to begin exercising in helping him conquer prostate cancer.

“Of course those were some rough times, but I just knew I had to keep moving,” Craig said. “I would say going to the gym definitely helped me beat it.”

Craig also attributes trips to the gym in helping alleviate some of the pain and stiffness associated with his multiple shoulder and hip operations, which stem advanced age and many years on the job.

“You just absolutely have to stay limber and flexible at my age,” Craig said.

Craig relies on more than just the machines and free weights of Fitness First of Calhoun though, noting it’s the staff and the others that exercise there that also have a positive impact on his health.

“I have made really good friends there, and they really push you to do really good things,” Craig said.

No matter the circumstan­ces, reaching 88 years of age is quite the feat for anyone. Craig has had to do his fair share of fighting to get there, and he acknowledg­es the gym will continue to be a factor in living a long and productive life.

“There are times over the past few years where I just wanted to give up and quit,” Craig said. “But my wife wouldn’t let me, so now I exercise to keep myself going.” Mr. C. L. Craig, right, enjoys gardening and yard work in addition to his workouts at Fitness First of Calhoun.

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