Chattanooga Times Free Press

Backyard mini orchards: Small trees a popular option


Miniature trees have become a popular way to grow apples in backyards. Dwarf and semi-dwarf trees are smaller than standard varieties, yet faster to mature and produce.

“Smaller trees are more efficient for labor. They’re also more efficient for space,” says Michael Parker, an extension horticultu­re specialist and associate professor at North Carolina A&T State University. “Why put up one tree when you can plant six small trees with lots of apple varieties? If you lose one tree, it’s no big deal.”

As for maturing, “With standard trees, you have to wait five to seven years,” Parker says. “It’s two to three years with dwarf or smaller trees.”

Safety is yet another advantage when managing smaller trees. It’s easier to scout them for damage and they require less ladder work — especially when applying chemicals.

“Most homeowners don’t have the necessary equipment for spraying over their heads,” says Michael Bush, an extension entomologi­st with Washington State University’s Yakima County office. “Toxic spray residues can drip down and run all over the applicator­s. A lot of pesticide labels warn against spraying more than 10 feet (high). They suggest that you hire a profession­al.”

Arborists generally recommend pruning apple trees twice a year: first when they’re dormant, to create better air circulatio­n and prevent diseases, and second in the summer to eliminate suckers, improve light gathering and control growth.

“Try to keep limbs from growing straight up and down,” Bush says. “Encourage branches to grow laterally and keep fruiting lower to the ground.”

And don’t prune when rain is in the forecast, Bush says. “Blowing rain can introduce fungal and bacterial diseases into the wounds that eventually will spread from tree to tree.”

To determine which dwarf varieties work best in your area, Parker suggests reading up and checking with a local Cooperativ­e Extension office “to learn which rootstocks are adapted for the climate.”

Test the soil for pH and fertility, choose a sunny, well-drained site and avoid low areas that tend to be frost pockets. Eliminate perennial and noxious weeds before you plant. Apply fertilizer regularly.

“You can’t grow fruit trees without spraying (chemicals),” Parker says. “Spray five to six times to control insects and diseases.”

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