Chattanooga Times Free Press

Firefighte­r killed in gas explosion


SUN PRAIRIE, Wis. — A massive natural gas explosion killed a firefighte­r and leveled portions of a city block in a southern Wisconsin community, including a bar the firefighte­r owned, authoritie­s said Wednesday.

The blast in downtown Sun Prairie on Tuesday evening also injured at least a dozen people and left residents of the Madison suburb wondering how they’ll put their downtown back together.

“It’s just hard to look at the pictures [of the explosion and ruined downtown] and see what our city looks like now,” resident Erin Updike said.

The blast happened after police got a call at 6:30 p.m. that constructi­on workers working on a downtown street had punctured a WE Energies natural gas line. Police and firefighte­rs arrived to investigat­e and were evacuating the area when the gas exploded shortly after 7 p.m.

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