Chattanooga Times Free Press

Vision for city, county future is a big stretch

- Jim Howard

Thursday’s Page 1 article, “A new vision for city’s future,” is full of feelgood liberal dreams that are completely divorced from reality.

The disparity in racial income will never change, except for possibly worsening. The difference in income is due almost entirely to life choices made by the successful.

Choice one is a two-parent household. It’s trite to list the outcomes from single-parent homes vs. two-parent homes.

The second big choice is education. The poor are generally poorly educated. The primary reason for that failure is wrong choice number one.

Housing appreciati­ng in value is a good thing. A community becoming whiter is a good thing. You will have less crime, less gang activity, a safer community. Count the murders occurring on Lookout Mountain and Signal Mountain vs. downtown. Gentrifica­tion occurs for the same reason.

Leadership is not a quality that can be bestowed unless we have a token system where undeservin­g people are promoted solely based on race. It then becomes a title, not a characteri­stic.

Jesus said, “The poor will always be with us.” You think you are smarter than Jesus. Solve the problem, with my blessing.

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