Chicago Sun-Times



Today’s deal, from a quarterfin­al match in the Spingold Teams, wins the prize for the costliest error at the Summer NABC.

Both North- Souths reached six hearts. In the auction shown, North’s four spades was a convention­al ace- ask, not a cue bid. West led the king of diamonds; dummy’s ace won.

South, a top profession­al, took the ace of clubs, ruffed a club and led dummy’s ten of trumps to his king. He must have been stunned when West discarded — so much that he led a diamond next. West won and gave East a diamond ruff.

South had a blackout. After he took the king of trumps, he could cash the king of clubs, finesse with the queen of spades, pitch a diamond on the ace, ruff a spade, ruff his last club and score three more high trumps. In the replay, South made the slam to gain 17 IMPs, and his team won the match — by two.

Clients who pay pros hefty annual retainers to play aren’t accustomed to seeing them boot cold slams. North’s reaction, if any, is unknown. DAILY QUESTION You hold: opens one heart, you bid two diamonds and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s two hearts shows minimum values, but you may have a slam if he has the right minimum — with honors such as the ace of clubs ( not the K- Q) and king of diamonds. Bid two spades. If he next bids 2NT, jump to four hearts to show slam interest with club shortness. East dealer N- S vulnerable

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