Chicago Sun-Times

Blacks have been marching against violence in their communitie­s a long time


Regarding a July 7 letter in the SunTimes accusing the Black community of not being outraged at the violence in our community: Yes, we’re outraged and have peace marches on a weekly basis. We have groups such as R.A.G.E., M.A.S.K., Violence Interrupte­rs and St. Sabina events with Father Michael Pfleger, to name just a few.

These events usually are publicized, so it’s a wonder that the writer would have such a convoluted view of what’s happening in our areas. We are living the solution but could sure use help, in the form of resources that could be allocated for mental health, social services, job readiness, mentorship and other programs.

So, yes, we are enraged and will continue to engage as best as we can. But we cannot do it alone. Norman Littlejohn, Kenwood

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