Chicago Sun-Times

In defense of police collective bargaining


Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reason to celebrate the approval of the contract terms imposed by an arbitrator on the city and the Chicago Police Benevolent & Protective Associatio­n.

The PBPA represents the Chicago police sergeants and lieutenant­s. This contract will pressure the Fraternal Order of Police, which represents some 8,000 Chicago police officers, to adopt similar reforms to the discipline and investigat­ion processes. If the FOP contract goes to interest arbitratio­n, an arbitrator could be swayed by the PBPA agreement.

The contract doesn’t satisfy many progressiv­es and activists, who want to restrict or eliminate police collective bargaining. We don’t discount the real problems that exist, but gutting collective bargaining rights will not solve them.

The arguments often made that police unions make it impossible to fire bad officers sound disturbing­ly like the calls from conservati­ves to eliminate collective bargaining for all public employees. Conservati­ves argue that public employee union contracts block needed innovation and reform, and prevent employers from firing bad employees.

Some say police collective bargaining institutio­nalizes racism. But that same charge is made by conservati­ves against teacher unions. They claim teacher unions impede reforms that would benefit poor children of color in the worst performing schools, and preserve those schools as places to dump teachers whom unions render impossible to fire.

Some procedural protection­s for police may be overly robust, but others attacked by critics are common. For example, police union contracts provide for removing discipline actions from an officer’s file after, typically, one to three years, if the officer has not had any further discipline. This is common in union contracts and provides incentives for employees to correct their misbehavio­rs.

Unions and arbitrator­s do not make it impossible to fire bad cops. A leading study found that the rates at which police terminatio­ns were overturned among 36 different law enforcemen­t department­s ranged from 0 in several to 70% in San Antonio. All told, of 1,881 officers fired for misconduct, just over 450 were reinstated, about 24%.

In many jurisdicti­ons, terminatio­ns are reviewed by police commission­s or merit boards whose members are appointed by the mayor or county executive. When terminatio­ns are overturned by arbitrator­s, it is often the result of management errors, such as terminatin­g one officer for misconduct after suspending a different officer for the same misconduct. Management should not be given free rein to play favorites when administer­ing discipline.

Critics of police collective bargaining point to a recent University of Chicago study that found a 40% increase in violent incidents where collective bargaining rights were extended to Florida deputy sheriffs. But the 40% increase was due to the baseline rate of violent incidents being so low. The study estimated that bargaining rights for deputy sheriffs would increase violent incidents per agency-year by 0.2. The baseline was a previous mean of about 0.5, making literally a 40% increase. But that means this study estimated that with collective bargaining rights an additional one officer in an average sheriff ’s office of 290 was involved in a violent incident every five years.

Law enforcemen­t can learn a lesson from school districts and teachers unions that have voluntaril­y partnered to improve education. For example, teacher evaluation­s need not be bargained, and in most jurisdicti­ons the administra­tion unilateral­ly imposes evaluation criteria. Principals observe teachers in classrooms, rate them and, after a few unsatisfac­tory ratings, move to fire them. It’s not surprising that teacher unions pull out all the stops to protect their members from criteria and a process unilateral­ly imposed by management.

But many school districts have engaged unions in evaluation systems, even without a legal duty to do so. They have jointly developed evaluation criteria and implemente­d peer evaluation. In many of these districts, the rates of improvemen­t and attrition of poorly performing teachers are higher than in districts employing traditiona­l approaches. The union’s role is transforme­d from protecting members at all costs from a process unilateral­ly imposed by management, to protecting the profession­al standards that the union itself was involved in developing.

The idea of partnering with unions is probably anathema to most police chiefs. And it is easier politicall­y for union officials to play to rank and-file feelings that they are under siege than to engage in meaningful cooperatio­n with management. But with calls to defund police department­s and to eliminate police collective bargaining, both labor and management may feel they are facing existentia­l moments and have some incentive to come together to address that.

Such a partnershi­p should include what highly respected law enforcemen­t profession­als have advocated: root cause analysis to review deadly force incidents to reduce systemic errors that contribute to tragic loss of life. Instead of city leaders blaming the union and union leaders stoking rank-andfile siege mentality, both might learn from school districts and teacher unions and partner on root cause analysis, involving other experts and community leaders as well.

Doing so will not be easy, but the rewards can be significan­t for the city, union, police officers and the public.

Martin H. Malin is professor and co-director of the Institute for Law and the Workplace at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology. Joseph E. Slater is the Eugene N. Balk Professor of Law and Values at the University of Toledo College of Law. They are two of the co-authors of the leading law school textbook on public-sector employment.

 ?? SUN-TIMES FILE PHOTO ?? The Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7 building, at 1412 W Washington Blvd.
SUN-TIMES FILE PHOTO The Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge #7 building, at 1412 W Washington Blvd.

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