Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Authors have the right to free speech

- By John Warner Twitter @biblioracl­e John Warner is the author of “Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessitie­s.”

President Donald Trump likes to claim that he is a protector of the Constituti­on, but there is at least one Amendment he seems to find problemati­c: the First.

Just as a refresher so we’re all on the same page, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constituti­on reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishm­ent of religion or prohibitin­g the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

President Trump has frequently attacked the free press with bogus charges of “fake news” when it reports what would be more accurately characteri­zed as “news the President doesn’t like.” On the free assembly front, he seems inclined to conflate peaceful protesters with law breakers; his clearing of Washington Square of Black Lives Matter protesters so he could have his picture taken with a Bible in front of a church seems like it will go down in presidenti­al infamy.

But he appears to find free speech most vexing.

President Trump or his surrogates attempting to stop the publicatio­n of an unflatteri­ng book is now a rite of passage so common it has become unremarkab­le, but I believe we should pay close attention to the actions of a man who swore an oath to uphold the Constituti­on and yet seeks to block the First Amendment right of others.

In 2018, Trump’s lawyers sent ceaseand-desist letters to Henry Holt & Co., publisher of Michael Wolff ’s “Fire and Fury,” the first (or many) accounts of chaos and dysfunctio­n in the Trump White House.

More recently, after slow-walking the standard government review for classified material, Trump sued to stop publicatio­n of John Bolton’s “The Room Where It Happened.” A family tell-all from Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, was briefly halted through a temporary restrainin­g order before being given a go-ahead by an appellate judge who ruled that the publisher, Simon and Schuster, could not be bound by a confidenti­ality agreement Mary Trump had signed with the rest of her family.

Barring something unexpected, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” will make its way into the world on July 14 and we will presumably hear more inside scoop that confirms what we should already know: Donald Trump is uniquely ill-suited for the job of president of the United States.

That President Trump reflexivel­y seeks to silence his detractors exercising their First Amendment rights is not his most egregious derelictio­n of duty, but it may be his most petulant.

You just want your president to be a little thickerski­nned, you know? There was no shortage of people coming after President Barack Obama, and he managed to bear up without firing off a series of frivolous court actions when, for example, Michelle Malkin released “Culture of Corruption:

Obama and His Team of

Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies.”

Of course, all the negative books written about Obama were written by right-wing partisans, rather than ex-members of his administra­tion, so maybe that doesn’t sting quite so badly.

While I’m on the record that these Trump books are not particular­ly worthy of anyone’s time or money, they must be allowed to be published.

As a reader, I don’t need another chance to rubberneck at the ongoing disaster of his presidency.

Isn’t living through it enough?

 ?? PETER SERLING/SIMON & SCHUSTER ?? Mary L. Trump’s book “Too Much and Never Enough” was originally set for release on July 28, but will now arrive on July 14. The author is the president’s niece.
PETER SERLING/SIMON & SCHUSTER Mary L. Trump’s book “Too Much and Never Enough” was originally set for release on July 28, but will now arrive on July 14. The author is the president’s niece.
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