Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

What about reluctant parents?

- — Charlotte Braun, Glenview

A letter writer on Friday (“Commandmen­t explains it all”) wrote that there are four words that explain why Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned: “Thou shall not kill.” It is not that simple. Many people have babies they do not want or can’t afford, and some abuse these children, sometimes fatally.

Howmany anti-abortion people actually try to help these people or do they just put their signs away and go into their comfortabl­e homes? For online exclusive letters go to www. chicagotri­ Send letters by email to letters@chicagotri­ or to Voice of the People, Chicago Tribune, 160 N. Stetson Ave., Third Floor, Chicago, IL 60601. Include your name, address and phone number.

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