Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

Supporting health care for all


Among the many impacts of the pandemic, the loss of health insurance surely deserves serious considerat­ion. Through no fault of their own, employees of thousands of businesses lost this important benefit when their employment was interrupte­d or terminated.

Through our property taxes, households with no children support public schools and park districts; nonusers contribute to our libraries; and we all pay for police and fire protection, hoping to never need them. The one service we can all expect to need is health care, and it has been well-documented that consistent health care can prevent many chronic and serious health problems, and it is needed for emergencie­s.

As we consider the lessons to be taken from this national disaster, I can only hope that support for “health care for all” will be reconsider­ed, and that we will join other developed nations in providing for all Americans.

— Betty Baker, Homewood

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