Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Reform bill falls short on pension debt

Could we stop using the word “historic” to portray legislativ­e efforts better described as overhyped, overdue and half-baked?


Pennsylvan­ia lawmakers and Gov. Tom Wolf reached for their favorite adjective in praising a pension reform bill that will do little to reduce a $77 billion public pension debt over the next 30 years — ensuring that school districts will keep passing along “automatic” property tax hikes in the foreseeabl­e future. This is reform? This is historic? Senate Bill 1 accomplish­es something that should have been done two or three decades ago — shift future state employees and teachers into more of a selffunded retirement plan.

Those hired after Jan. 1, 2019 will have a choice between a hybrid system (part 401(k), part traditiona­l defined-benefit) or a full 401(k)-type plan.

Some employees, including state troopers and correction­s workers, are exempt because the nature of their jobs. Wolf has promised to sign the bill.

Because all current employees will get the pension benefits they’ve been promised, the new retirement structure isn’t projected to draw down the billions in accumulate­d pension debt until 2048.

It is progress in one sense, though.

The Legislatur­e and governor didn’t make things worse — as they did in 2001, when benefits were increased and the stock market was expected to pick up the slack.

We know how that turned out.

In 2010, the Legislatur­e refinanced pension debt — yet kept alive a tradition of not attacking a huge “unfunded liability” in the pension systems.

The Pennsylvan­ia Independen­t Fiscal Office says the pension bill will save $1.4 billion over 30 years — far less than the prediction­s of Wolf and legislativ­e leaders. More critically, it absolves the taxpayer of picking up $20 billion in pension investment losses, should the market tank.

The Pew Charitable Trust says the changes enacted last week should bump Pennsylvan­ia’s public pension systems — rated fifth worst in the nation — up to the middle of the pack.

Politicall­y, this might have been the only deal possible between a Democratic governor and a GOP-controlled Legislatur­e.

Some Republican­s wanted a complete switchover to a defined-contributi­on plan, but that has drawbacks, too — such as narrowing the revenue stream of employee contributi­ons to “frozen” definedben­efit systems.

Also, the courts have held that benefits in existing public pension plans can’t be scaled back unilateral­ly.

Avoiding the tough choices on pensions comes with a bigger price.

It ratchets up the need for property tax reform, as school districts will continue to be billed $4 billion to $8 billion a year to pay a half-share of their employees’ pensions costs.

Right now the Legislatur­e is looking at borrowing $3 billion for operating expenses for the coming year, along with an expansion of legalized gambling.

That follows a boost in tobacco taxes and alcohol sales licenses last year.

Sloughing off an increasing tax burden onto gamblers, smokers and drinkers inevitably becomes a zero-sum game.

A crisis for another day? It’s already here.

Avoiding the tough choices on pensions ratchets up the need for property tax reform, as school districts will continue to be billed $4 billion to $8 billion a year to pay a halfshare of their employees’ pension costs.

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