Daily Press (Sunday)

Delivering some belated justice for rape victims


Virginia is only the seventh state to have cleared its kit backlog and this milestone means that a wrong has been righted

Virginia’s backlog of untested rape kits has been completely eliminated, and it is never coming back.

Virginia is only the seventh state in the country to have cleared its backlog, and although it has taken a lot of work, this milestone means that a wrong has been righted, that justice is closer for more survivors, and that Virginia is a safer place.

We have now closed one chapter in our commonweal­th’s approach to preventing and investigat­ing sexual violence, and we are continuing to write a new one in which these crimes are taken seriously every time, survivors are treated with respect and compassion, and Virginia is a partner in the pursuit of justice and healing.

When I got into office more than six years ago, I learned that the backlog of untested physical evidence recovery kits, or PERKs, in Virginia had grown to nearly 3,000. That was just shocking to me. And it was unacceptab­le.

One untested rape kit is one too many. These kits represente­d a survivor’s trauma, and they could have held key evidence in bringing a perpetrato­r to justice, but they had been pushed to the side and never dealt with.

And for many survivors, the fact that their kit was never tested denied them a sense of security and justice or the closure that is critical for healing from such a traumatic experience.

So as soon as we found out about these kits we went to work, and we’ve been working every day since to eliminate this backlog.

My team and I led a complex, multidisci­plinary effort to test these kits, make sure each case gets a fresh look, and bring perpetrato­rs to justice.

As a result of our project:

2,665 kits were tested

851 new DNA profiles have been uploaded into the national DNA database

354 “hits” have been sent to law enforcemen­t agencies for further investigat­ion

The Hampton Roads region alone had 718 kits tested, 281 new DNA profiles uploaded into the national database and 118 “hits.”

Charges are currently pending against a Spotsylvan­ia man as a result of our project, and as localities continue to reopen and investigat­e cases in light of this new evidence, we anticipate more charges may be filed.

The work my team and I have done to eliminate Virginia’s rape kit backlog is just one part of our larger effort to transform the way Virginia responds to sexual violence and move past a time when these cases were too often ignored or swept under the rug.

We helped pass a law in 2016 to mandate the immediate testing of kits and giving survivors a right to know the results, which will keep Virginia from ever having a backlog like this again.

And as part of our project, the Department of Forensic Science has developed Virginia’s first statewide PERK tracking system that can be used by DFS, law enforcemen­t and hospitals as well as survivors, who can now check the location and status of their kits at any time.

This is an unpreceden­ted level of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity that ensures timely testing and empowers survivors.

We’ve also invested in the latest survivor-centered and trauma-informed training for law enforcemen­t and prosecutor­s, especially for those working cold cases, so that we can build the strongest cases possible, while minimizing re-victimizat­ion.

Make no mistake: This project is changing lives and making Virginia safer. It has been a true catalyst for real, significan­t changes in the way Virginia approaches, investigat­es and prosecutes sexual violence, and the way that survivors of these heinous crimes are treated when they choose to come forward and share their experience­s.

As one survivor told me, this work is giving her and other survivors hope for justice and reassuranc­e that they do have significan­ce and worth, that the hours they spent submitting to a difficult, painful exam were not in vain, and that Virginia will walk with them on the path toward healing.

The PERKs that made up Virginia’s backlog were not just boxes, baskets and bags sitting on a shelf. Behind every one was a story and a person who has had their life permanentl­y changed. They, and all other survivors, must be treated with the respect and compassion that they so deserve.

So believe me when I say: Virginia’s rape kit backlog is finally gone, and it’s never coming back.

Mark R. Herring is the 48th attorney general of Virginia. He can be reached at mailoag@oag.state.va.us or 804-786-2071.

 ?? Mark Herring ??
Mark Herring

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