Daily Times (Primos, PA)

Sound Off: Call 484-521-3180



To “You’ve Been Warned,” the intersecti­on of Rodney and Darby roads off of Chester Pike is in Ridley Township, not Ridley Park. I appreciate your concern, but please check who your local government and police are.


To “Shocker In Pa.,” since Trump seems like the kind of guy who would sue, and since as a Democrat Kathleen Kane is immune from mockery, I think the Nixon mask will still rule political masks this Halloween. Remember, he’s not a crook – he’s a perennial best-seller.


I guess the comments about Donald Trump being the oldest first-term president are meant to imply that he is too old for the job. Maybe he is, but if Hillary is elected, she would be the second oldest. So maybe she is, too.


People shouldn’t whine over future Pennsylvan­ia state tax increases. Now that you can buy your wine in a grocery store, the grocery store will reap the harvest of the vineyards’ fruit. The profits made on the sale of wine in some places in the commonweal­th will no longer go to the state treasury general fund. It will go to the shareholde­rs and owner of these grocery giants. The state employees working in the Wine and Spirits stores will have less work, fewer hours and some of these stores might be closed as a result of this convenienc­e. This will undoubtedl­y have a financial impact on these employees and the communitie­s in which they choose to spend or not spend their earnings (paychecks). Watch what you ask for, you might get it. ROADKILL


A commercial for Pat Toomey says that because of well-armed terrorists and criminals, police need armored vehicles. But we wouldn’t need this ridiculous waste of taxpayer money if Republican­s like Pat Toomey would ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines, but Pat Toomey doesn’t have the guts to do this.


To “Lie Of The Day,” I’m not a fan of Hillary either, but I find it kind of a reach for you to argue that Trump doesn’t lie. I’m an independen­t voter, and I vote for who’s going to do the best for the coming days. I vote for principles and policies, not ideology. I think Donald Trump is the worst mistake that ever happened to the Republican Party. I’m not going to sit this election out and I’m not going to vote for Trump either. VIOLET FROM PROSPECT PARK


Al Eelman’s letter to the editor regarding the Benghazi attack was wonderful. He asked why the media hasn’t covered the fact that Hillary Clinton couldn’t have done anything about the attack even she wanted to. The Republican­s have been after the Clintons for years, and of course they’re going to push the narrative that she was responsibl­e for everything.


When Hurricane Katrina devastated Louisiana, the Democrats are quick to jump on President Bush are not getting down there quickly enough. Among the most vocal of those criticizin­g him was then-Sen. Barack Obama. So what happens now in Louisiana? W where was our beloved president right away? Up there polishing his golf game. How anybody in their right mind could even listen to one thing that comes out of this guy’s mouth is beyond me.


Donald Trump thinks that there should be a special prosecutor appointed to investigat­e the Clinton Foundation. Well, I think that there should be a special prosecutor named to investigat­e Trump University – immediatel­y, immediatel­y, immediatel­y.


It’s very annoying when bill collectors and sales people call and they use your first name like they’re your friend. I wish they would all stop. “Hello, is Anna there?” Come on, you don’t even know me so stop calling.


Well, President Obama finally ended his vacation and headed to Baton Rouge. So he won’t really see the full impact of that damage.His vacation came first. Come out, President Obama, you could’ve got there sooner.

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