Dayton Daily News

Brave talk not enough to ensure true equality


The Black past teaches us that periods of racial progress in America, whether real or perceived, are followed by periods of racial retrenchme­nt.

■ The Reconstruc­tion Era (1865-1877) resulted in the first nadir, one of the worst periods of racism in the nation’s history.

■ The Civil Rights Movement (1954-1968) was followed by the Nixon administra­tion’s emphasis on law and order.

■ The historic election of Barack Obama as the nation’s first Black president, culminatin­g in the resurgence of White Nationalis­t hate groups, a surge in white vigilantis­m, and extrajudic­ial killings of African Americans at a rate that rivals the first nadir.

Historical­ly, the response to these issues have promoted a Black political activism of love, compassion and long-suffering as the answer to African American’s social, political and economic quagmire in America, in which Black political agitation is undergirde­d by the largesse of benevolent liberal whites sympatheti­c to their suffering.

This narrative, while wholly inaccurate, is prevalent among civil rights nostalgics, and has been revisited amid the nationwide protest in the wake of the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

Numerous political pundits, politician­s and media personalit­ies — Obama and former Secretary of State Condoleezz­a Rice included — have advocated for “courageous conversati­ons,” and the art of moral persuasion as a solution to eradicatin­g racism in America.

In an effort to make this nation as good as its promise by tapping into the moral conscience of whites, in a belief that if they understood the vicissitud­es of African American life, culture and history, then “a come to Jesus moment” will ensue and remove racism from the fabric of American society.

Such an approach, while politicall­y immature, has brought about commendabl­e symbolic gains, as Confederat­e statues are being removed, considerat­ions are being made regarding military installati­ons being renamed, and new legislatio­n has been drafted to address police violence via the Justice in Policing Act of 2020 that will prohibit the issuance of no-knock warrants.

However, these developmen­ts are not exhaustive in addressing the myriad of structural barriers that inhibit Black progress in America, as they do not indemnify a constituen­cy living under a system of social control since 1619.

A system that has included 244 years of chattel enslavemen­t, generation­s of sharecropp­ing and Black codes, political disenfranc­hisement, economic exploitati­on, social degradatio­n and Jim Crowism that has culminated with the New Jim Crow. These social control systems have been in place not due to a lack of courageous conversati­ons or a lack of understand­ing of the vagaries of African American life in America, but because racism is highly adaptable.

Therefore, change must come not in an attempt to win the hearts and minds of the American people, but through legislatio­n that finally affords African Americans equal protection under the law.

Such legislatio­n should come via a presidenti­al executive order known as Equal Protection in Policing to provide federal oversight and accountabi­lity to law enforcemen­t in America.

This executive order will mandate that all fatal officer-involved shootings and assaults of unarmed civilians are investigat­ed and prosecuted at the federal level with a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years to life.

Such an executive order would finally provide African Americans the equal protection guaranteed to them via the 14th amendment of the Constituti­on.

To bring such a request to fruition, I have contacted my local state representa­tive and Ohio’s governor, imploring them to put pressure on President Trump, and the presumptiv­e Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, to write such an order into law.

I ask all who desire equal protection under the law to do the same.

Bakari K. Lumumba is cofounder of The Coalition of African Unity, a Dayton-based nonprofit, a doctoral student and an adjunct professor at Columbus State Community College.

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Bakari K. Lumumba

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