Ducks 101

Bird Brains


A slew of studies show our feathered friends to be far more intelligen­t than we once believed. Pigeons, for instance, have been reported to memorize more than 700 visual patterns. Crows pass knowledge to their young. They also use tools — twigs, for example (in certain captive studies, the crows bent wire into hooks and used these to obtain food). Parrots don’t just mimic; they have been shown to communicat­e with human words they’ve learned. Avian intelligen­ce varies considerab­ly, though, as anyone who has ever met a pheasant can attest. So where do ducks rank? I couldn’t find any studies done specifical­ly on waterfowl, but I know they can learn to come when called, something my dog has trouble mastering. They also learn from the actions of their flock mates: I’ve observed a very shy young Muscovy watch her tame mother take treats from my hand and soon start doing the same.

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