Ducks 101

Duck Feeding Tips


• Buy fresh, quality feed, and avoid storing it too long. poultry feed is perishable; its nutrients deteriorat­e, and it can spoil if stored past the expiration date. try to finish the bag within three weeks of that date (or even sooner during hot weather, which can hasten spoilage). if you have only a few ducks, buy smaller amounts of chow more often rather than stocking up on large quantities. use all feed before adding a new bag; if leftovers seem moldy or musty-smelling, toss them out and clean the container before adding new feed.

• Store rations properly in a cool, dark, dry place. put feed in a clean container with a tight lid that will keep out disease-carrying rodents and mold-promoting moisture. Metal trash cans work well for thwarting mice and rats but may cause moisture to condense inside. plastic cans are easy to clean but can be breached by determined gnawing. use whichever type fits your storage situation best.

• Keep feeders, waterers and dining areas clean to discourage rodents and reduce mold formation. Make sure containers are unbroken and are leak free.

• Whether you use chicken feeders or thrift-store bowls and pans, make sure there’s space enough at the feeders to allow all your ducks to eat without being picked on by dominant birds.

• Use treats to train and tame your ducks. offered in small amounts, a favorite food, such as whole wheat bread or scratch, works wonders to facilitate and maintain your friendship with your flock. the tamer your birds are, the easier it will be to capture and handle them. you can also use treats to lure the ducks into their safe house each night.

• Make drinking water available at all times. ducks offered feed but no water can actually choke. Waterfowl go through more water than chickens do: they not only drink more, they also splash around in it and dip their food- and dirt-caked bills in it. your ducks aren’t trying to annoy you; this behavior helps them clear their air and nasal passages. check water containers morning and evening to see if they need to be cleaned and refilled.

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