Fast Company

A Fresher Filter

- —Yasmin Gagne

Molekule is the world’s first air purifier that destroys pollutants at the molecular level, marking a significan­t upgrade from standard HEPA filters, which were invented in the 1940s. Its process, called photoelect­rochemical oxidation (PECO), involves shining light onto a filter membrane that has been coated with proprietar­y nanopartic­les, triggering a reaction that breaks down pollutants of any size, including allergens, mold, bacteria, viruses, and carcinogen­ic volatile organic compounds that concentrat­e in indoor air. Mechanical engineer and veteran energy researcher Yogi Goswami spent 20 years creating the prototype—which involved adapting technology he’d previously developed to purify groundwate­r— in order to help his son, Dilip (Molekule cofounder and CEO), find relief from asthma and allergies. Since launching in May 2016, the company has worked to keep up with demand: The $800 device has sold out seven times.

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