First For Women

Cool, fruity snacks


We’re tackling the busy season with a smile, thanks to probiotic sips that boost mood and curb appetite

With our calendar filling up with even more to-do’s, we’ve been reaching for store-bought fruit smoothies to recharge on the go. Sure, they aren’t as healthy as homemade versions, but they give us a quick energy boost and help us hit our five-a-day. So when we started spotting probiotic-enriched sips on grocery shelves, we were intrigued. Could our pick-me-up be better for us than we thought? Turns out, yes! Now that smoothie makers have started adding beneficial bacteria, we can enjoy perks like 50 percent speedier weight loss, reduced appetite and 20 percent sunnier moods with each and every sip. We’ll raise a glass to that!

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