First For Women

I could feel this good!”


border on death and have to be saved by multiple blood or iron transfusio­ns,” she says. Her doctor prescribed highdose steroids to curb her symptoms, but she still battled side effects including sleepless nights, hair loss and insatiable hunger.

Ready to fight for her health, Danielle turned her attention to her diet. She cut out all grains, as well as legumes, refined sugars and most dairy. Instead, she filled up on healing foods like eggs, almond-flour muffins and lettuce wraps with chicken or grass-fed beef.

After just 48 hours of changing her diet, Danielle felt better. “It was what my body needed to heal,” she says. And within a year, her digestion improved and she was able to stop taking most medication­s.

These days, Danielle has plenty of energy to juggle staying active with her three children and developing delicious grain-free recipes for her popular blog, AgainstAll­, plus two bestsellin­g cookbooks. “This way of eating has had such a positive personal impact,” cheers Danielle. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be helping millions of other women be healthy and heal too!” “In my 20s, I had frequent episodes of vomiting, diarrhea and fainting. I found a functional medicine doctor who diagnosed me with an autoimmune condition called Mast Cell Activation Disorder and told me a grain-free diet would help. Within two weeks, my symptoms subsided. I felt better than I had in 10 years!”

—Kim Nickols, 35, Sacramento, CA

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