First For Women

“My ex is ignoring me”


DREAM: “Four years ago, I went through a bitter divorce after 30 years of marriage. Lately I’ve dreamed that I’m confrontin­g my husband, asking for an apology for his horrible treatment of me. But he ignores me or says he has moved on. I awaken feeling sad and angry. ” —Patty Ryan, Columbus, OH

WHAT IT’S TELLING YOU: “I’m so sorry for your pain. These dreams tell me that you’re working through the emotions and are on your way to finding the closure you deserve. My hunch is that your ex being aloof is your subconscio­us showing you that he may be incapable of facing you in waking life. In order to shift this dream and move on, I suggest that you write two letters before going to sleep to bring this dream to a fulfilling conclusion. Letter one is a venting letter where you express your pain, hurt and regret to him. In the second letter, write everything you wish your ex would say to you. This will help you make way for the love you desire and deserve.”

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