
HOW to play it


Ai plays a critical role in the future of automobile­s. The best way to invest in the Ai revolution today is through big companies with scale and a proven capacity to bring lab work to life. Nvidia invested $2 billion in a deep-learning Ai chip when most of its chip rivals were distracted. Now that investment is powering the self-driving-car future. Nvidia gear can read street signs and traffic lights, change lanes and navigate in blizzards. it’s already in new Teslas, and coming soon to Audis and other luxury brands. Another smart Ai play is Facebook, which reaches more than 1 billion people daily. it knows our friends, hobbies, photo and messaging habits, and how we take our coffee. it’s also building a formidable Ai assistant that learns exponentia­lly faster and helps customers manage their lives.

Jon D. Markman is president of Markman Capital Insight.

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