
HOW to play It


as stocks like ibm, Qualcomm and Google have proved, companies that foster innovation and patents can be great investment­s. i find these gems by, first, screening among tech, communicat­ions, biotech and pharma and then eliminatin­g stocks with nosebleed enterprise­value-to-sales ratios. Then i home in on companies on my least-bad-value-growth list that rank tops in various measures of analyst sentiment, including earnings surprises and upward revisions. Working this way, i found two patent-rich companies that have been creating and commercial­izing innovative solutions to well-establishe­d problems. cybersecur­ity firm Fireeye is finding new ways to detect and prevent system breaches and respond to hackers who get through. Pure Storage, which has some 600 patents, helps enterprise­s cost-effectivel­y solve and manage still rapidly escalating cloud-based storage needs.

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