Foreword Reviews

Naming Rites


Gary Boelhower, Holy Cow! Press, Softcover $17 (118pp), 978-0-9864480-7-2

Gary Boelhower’s poetic worldview is majorly influenced by his academic background and extensive writing (including two nonfiction books) in the subjects of ethics and spirituali­ty, as well as his leadership roles with notfor-profits working in adult literacy and hunger—which doesn’t mean he’s on the straight and narrow, but it does explain his moral fiber. In fact, his poetry is riven through with intense bouts of introspect­ion over identity, childhood memories, and relational complicati­ons. Such vulnerabil­ity, and his craftsmans­hip, assure his work is compelling. Boelhower’s first collection, Marrow, Muscle, Flight (Wildwood River Press, 2011), won the Midwest Book Award.

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