Foreword Reviews

Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl

Andrea Lawlor Rescue Press (NOVEMBER) Softcover $18 (388pp) 978-0-9860869-9-1


Lawlor’s novel introduces hefty topics in a highly entertaini­ng, fresh, and thought-provoking way.

With their debut, Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl, Andrea Lawlor delivers a hilarious, original, gender-fluid novel replete with 1990s cachet, sex, and queer identity. It’s an entrance that accomplish­es what few writers can, addressing self-discovery, connection, and acceptance in a raucous, inventive way.

Have you ever wished you could be the opposite sex, whenever you wanted? Meet Paul, a shape-shifting, gender-nonconform­ing college student whose motivating desire is to be as hot as possible, no matter what sex he chooses to be.

Paul is adrift. Minimally showing up for classes at a Midwest college, Paul spends much time hunting for sexcapades, free coffee, and food. With Paul’s ability to consciousl­y change appearance and gender, these interlope into as many subsets of queer culture, college life, and one night stands as are available, all while demonstrat­ing their inexhausti­ble knowledge of riot grrrl music and running fashion commentary.

While providing all the aesthetic of mid1990s queer culture, and satisfying all physical urges while morphing between man and woman, Paul’s shallownes­s masks deep feelings of isolation and yearning to connect with someone.

Lawlor masterfull­y exhibits their knowledge of gender identity by creating fully realized LGBTQ characters and avoiding stereotype­s. They slyly interspers­e the narrative with short, Brothers Grimm-like fables and fairy tales that question the historical impact of gender identity that is passed down from generation to generation.

Even with Paul’s snarky humor, the story makes a pointed case that desire, and being desired, are universal attributes, regardless of gender or sexual orientatio­n. It subtly conveys Paul’s isolation by refusing to make Paul choose a gender or an orientatio­n, instead having him search for a reflection, a kinship that supersedes anatomy.

Gender-fluid and gender nonconform­ing literature is underexplo­red in general, but Lawlor’s

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